We adopt an iterative, data-driven approach to every scenario that we encounter. We strive to think of the unthinkable whether prospecting, drilling & completing wells or even putting in a road for a landowner. When faced with a complex situation, we develop multiple plans of action and are not afraid to step back from our initial approach and redirect our efforts when needed so that our actions are reflective of the most profitable and holistic solution.
No matter the economic environment, we find pathways to sustain profitability through technological innovation, unconventional thinking, and prudent risk taking.
We are engineers, scientists, and accountants by trade, but business people first. Decisions are made by our multi-disciplinary teams. We derive clear understandings from complex situations through our industry experience and unbiased, honest perspectives.
We treat our landowners, investors, and royalty owners as valued partners. Our relationships are built upon mutual trust, integrity, and fortitude, allowing us to achieve innovation and efficiency without sacrificing safety or environmental responsibility.
We strive to reduce our environmental footprint by finding innovative ways to accomplish the task at hand with the minimum possible impact.
Tribune Resources is currently positioned in the Southwest Appalachia core of West Virginia with over 40,000 acres of leasehold currently being developed in the Marcellus and Utica/Point Pleasant formations. We are actively pursuing a growth strategy in the basin and offer competitive terms to land and asset holders.
Email us today at: ownerrelations@tribuneresources.com
Tribune Resources is more than just an energy company. We find and produce clean-burning natural gas that powers the world around us. From computer chips to home heating to parts for electric vehicles, our output is an integral component in the world's most essential products.
We value our royalty owners and work every day to earn and keep your trust. At Tribune, integrity and transparency guide every decision we make, and we are committed to open communications.
Tribune Resources understands that with the opportunities presented by America’s immense supplies of natural gas, presents the responsibility to be dedicated environmental and community stewards.